WET-007 Compare CWFS approaches with WET-001 LsstCam data#

Last verified to run 2024/10/09


  • lsst_distrib w_2024_37 (ext, cvmfs)

  • ts_wep v11.4.0

This document compares using TIE and Danish to analyze simulated WET-001 data. Given the availability of the OPD (“truth”), goodness of fit is measured by the fidelity to the OPD. The simulation included 800 data references, i.e. 8 detectors (corner sensors) for 100 random optical states. This technote is part documentation describing a comparison between TIE and Danish (and ML in some cases) using simulated and observed data. The advantage of simulated data is a cleaner sample and exact knowledge of the input optical state in the form of OPD, thus enabling testing the comparison method.


from lsst.daf import butler as dafButler
from lsst.ts.wep.task.generateDonutDirectDetectTask import (GenerateDonutDirectDetectTask,GenerateDonutDirectDetectTaskConfig)
from copy import copy
from lsst.obs.lsst import LsstCam
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
from matplotlib import colormaps as cmaps
import numpy as np

Ingest raws, run ISR#

Employ the central AOS butler repository. The simulated data was ingested with

butler ingest-raws /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/ /sdf/data/rubin/user/gmegias/projects/commissioning_sims/WET-001_lsstcam/state_100/amp*

butler define-visits /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim   lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam

butler ingest-raws /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/ /sdf/data/rubin/user/gmegias/projects/commissioning_sims/WET-001_lsstcam/state_100/amp*

To run ISR, we use bps condor .

Make site_bps.yaml, containing

        +Walltime: 7200

Run -v -n 10 -c 64 -m 60:00:00 -q milano -g 1800 s3df --account rubin:developers

bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim -i  LSSTCam/raw/all,LSSTCam/calib/unbounded -o WET-001_lsstCam_ISR -p /sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007/lsstPipelineISRdoVar.yaml -d "instrument='LSSTCam' and exposure.science_program = 'wet001_100_dof_states'"

Run donut detection in interactive mode to test sigma levels#

We first run donut detection interactively for a single state to test the correct setting to use, for instance config.measurementTask.nPixMinDetection, or config.measurementTask.nSigmaDetection.

dataRefs = butler.registry.queryDatasets('postISRCCD', collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_ISR'],
    where=f"instrument='LSSTCam' and exposure.science_program = 'wet001_100_dof_states' \
    and exposure.seq_num = 2001 and detector = 192").expanded()
ref = list(dataRefs)[0]
exp = butler.get('postISRCCD', dataId = ref.dataId,  collections = ['WET-001_lsstCam_ISR'])
zscale = ZScaleInterval()

camera = LsstCam().getCamera()

config = GenerateDonutDirectDetectTaskConfig()
config.measurementTask.nSigmaDetection = 5
config.donutSelector.useCustomMagLimit = True

fig = plt.figure()

d = exp.image.array
vmin,vmax = zscale.get_limits(d)
plt.imshow(d, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower')

# detect all donuts and overplot 
config.doDonutSelection = False

task = GenerateDonutDirectDetectTask(config=config)
taskOut =, camera)
plt.scatter(taskOut.donutCatalog['centroid_x'], taskOut.donutCatalog['centroid_y'], 
            marker='+', c='r', label=f'doDonutSelection:{config.doDonutSelection}'
# show the impact of turning on donut selector
config.doDonutSelection = True
task = GenerateDonutDirectDetectTask(config=config)
taskOut =, camera)

plt.scatter(taskOut.donutCatalog['centroid_x'], taskOut.donutCatalog['centroid_y'], 
            marker='o', s=100, facecolors='none', edgecolors='magenta' ,label=f'doDonutSelection:{config.doDonutSelection}'
plt.xlabel('x [px]')
plt.ylabel('y [px]')
plt.title(f'det {detId}')
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.measurementTask:Found 20 sources in exposure
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.measurementTask:Measured 20 of 20 sources in exposure
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.measurementTask:Found 20 sources in exposure
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.measurementTask:Measured 20 of 20 sources in exposure
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask:Running Donut Selector
INFO:lsst.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.donutSelector:Selected 12/20 references
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'det 191')

Thus we see that \(5\sigma\) threshold selects many donuts, while the effect of donut selector is the disappearance of donuts too close to the edge.

Run donut detection, cutouts, and Zernike estimation#

We run each step separately, to be able to reuse the postISRCCD, donutStampsExtra, and donutStampsIntra.

To run bps we need to run:

cd /sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007 -v -n 10 -c 64 -m 60:00:00 -q milano -g 1800 s3df --account rubin:developers
isrCollection =     "WET-001_lsstCam_ISR"
cutoutsCollection = "WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps"
tieCollection =     "WET-001_lsstCam_direct_TIE1"
danishCollection =  "WET-001_lsstCam_direct_Danish1"

isrYaml = "lsstPipelineISRdoVar.yaml"
cutoutYaml = "lsstPipelineDirectCutoutOnly.yaml"
danishYaml = "lsstPipelineCalcDanishOnly.yaml"
tieYaml = "lsstPipelineCalcTieOnly.yaml"

pathCwd = '/sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007'
isrYamlPath = os.path.join(pathCwd, isrYaml)
cutoutYamlPath = os.path.join(pathCwd, cutoutYaml)
danishYamlPath = os.path.join(pathCwd, danishYaml)
tieYamlPath = os.path.join(pathCwd, tieYaml)

cmdCutout = f"bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  {butlerRootPath} -i {isrCollection},LSSTCam/calib/unbounded \
-o {cutoutsCollection}  -p {cutoutYamlPath}"

cmdDanish = f"bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  {butlerRootPath} -i {cutoutsCollection} \
-o {danishCollection}  -p {danishYamlPath} "

cmdTie = f"bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  {butlerRootPath} -i {cutoutsCollection} \
-o {tieCollection}  -p {tieYamlPath}"

print(cmdCutout, "\n")
print(cmdDanish, "\n")
print(cmdTie, "\n")
bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/ -i WET-001_lsstCam_ISR,LSSTCam/calib/unbounded -o WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps  -p /sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007/lsstPipelineDirectCutoutOnly.yaml 

bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/ -i WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps -o WET-001_lsstCam_direct_Danish1  -p /sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007/lsstPipelineCalcDanishOnly.yaml  

bps submit site_bps.yaml  -b  /sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/ -i WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps -o WET-001_lsstCam_direct_TIE1  -p /sdf/group/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-46763_WET-007/lsstPipelineCalcTieOnly.yaml 

The lsstPipelineDirectCutoutOnly.yaml contains:

description: detect and cutout donuts
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam
    class: lsst.ts.wep.task.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.GenerateDonutDirectDetectTask
      donutSelector.useCustomMagLimit: True
      measurementTask.nSigmaDetection: 5
    class: lsst.ts.wep.task.cutOutDonutsCwfsTask.CutOutDonutsCwfsTask

The lsstPipelineCalcDanishOnly.yaml contains:

description: estimate Zk with Danish only
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam
    class: lsst.ts.wep.task.calcZernikesTask.CalcZernikesTask
       python: |
          from lsst.ts.wep.task import  EstimateZernikesDanishTask
  aggregateZernikesTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateZernikesTask
  aggregateDonutCatalogsTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutCatalogsTask
  aggregateAOSVisitTableTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateAOSVisitTableTask
  plotAOSTask: lsst.donut.viz.PlotAOSTask
  aggregateDonutStampsTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutStampsTask
  plotDonutTask: lsst.donut.viz.PlotDonutTask

The lsstPipelineCalcTieOnly.yaml contains:

description: estimate Zk with TIE only
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam
    class: lsst.ts.wep.task.calcZernikesTask.CalcZernikesTask
       python: |
          from lsst.ts.wep.task import EstimateZernikesTieTask
  aggregateZernikesTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateZernikesTask
  aggregateDonutCatalogsTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutCatalogsTask
  aggregateAOSVisitTableTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateAOSVisitTableTask
  plotAOSTask: lsst.donut.viz.PlotAOSTask
  aggregateDonutStampsTask: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutStampsTask
  plotDonutTask: lsst.donut.viz.PlotDonutTask

Inspect the outputs#

from lsst.daf import butler as dafButler
butlerRootPath = '/sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/'
butler = dafButler.Butler(butlerRootPath)
dataRefs = butler.registry.queryDatasets('donutStampsExtra', collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps'],
                             where=f"instrument='LSSTCam' and visit.seq_num = 2002").expanded()
ref = list(dataRefs)[0]
donutStampsExtra = butler.get('donutStampsExtra', dataId=ref.dataId, collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_direct_stamps'])
fig,axs = plt.subplots(5,5, figsize=(15,15))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
donutStamps = donutStampsExtra
for stamp in donutStamps:
    ax[i].imshow(stamp.stamp_im.image.array, origin='lower')
    i += 1 
if len(donutStamps)<len(ax):
    for i in range(len(donutStamps), len(ax)):

Check if all states have Zernike estimates#

butlerRootPath = '/sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/'
butler = dafButler.Butler(butlerRootPath)

for method in ['Danish', 'TIE']:
    dataRefs = butler.registry.queryDatasets('zernikeEstimateRaw', collections=[f'WET-001_lsstCam_direct_{method}1'],
                                 where=f"instrument='LSSTCam' ").expanded()
    for ref in dataRefs:
    n = len(refs)
    print(f'There are {n} Zk estimates for {method}')
There are 396 Zk estimates for Danish
There are 396 Zk estimates for TIE

Since there were 792 raw images, half (one Zk estimate per sensor pair) would be 396.

Compare TIE to Danish#

Read the OPD values :

from import fits 
# load all OPDs to a dict
all_opd = {}
for n in range(1,101):#101):
    opdDir = f'/sdf/data/rubin/user/gmegias/projects/commissioning_sims/WET-001_lsstcam/state_{n}'

    hdul =,'opd.fits'))

    opds = {}
    for i in range(len(hdul)):
        opd_zks_1_28 = []
        for key,value in hdul[i].header.items():
            if key.startswith('AZ'):
        opds[i] = opd_zks_1_28
    all_opd[n]  = opds
opd_raft_to_id = {'R00':0, 'R04':1, 'R40':2, 'R44':3}  

Read the results:

from lsst.daf import butler as dafButler
butlerRootPath = '/sdf/data/rubin/repo/aos_imsim/'
butler = dafButler.Butler(butlerRootPath)
registry = butler.registry
output_collection = 'WET-001_lsstCam_direct_TIE1'
datasetRefs = registry.queryDatasets('donutStampsExtra', collections=[output_collection],
                                     where=f"instrument='LSSTCam' and detector.purpose='WAVEFRONT' ").expanded()
refs = []
for ref in datasetRefs:
pairing_results = {'tie':{}, 'danish':{}}
for method in pairing_results.keys():
    pairing_results[method] = {}
    for state in range(1,100):
        pairing_results[method][state] = {}
for ref in refs:
    # read in the results of each method 
    for method in pairing_results.keys():
        if method == 'tie':
            coll_method = 'TIE'  
            coll_method = 'Danish'
        coll = f'WET-001_lsstCam_direct_{coll_method}1'
        state = int(str([-3:]) 
        raft = ref.dataId.detector.raft
        pairing_results[method][state][raft] =  butler.get('zernikeEstimateAvg', 

Compare TIE to Danish:

def plot_lsstcam_fit_vs_opd(state, opd_raft_to_id, all_opd, pairing_results):
    rafts = ['R04', 'R44', 'R00','R40']
    fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(16,8))
    ax = np.ravel(axs)
    # this plots  just the pairing results 
    colors = {'danish':'green',  'tie':'orange'}
    for raft in rafts:
        ax[i].set_title(raft )
        opdId = opd_raft_to_id[raft] 
        opd_zk = 0.001*np.array(all_opd[state][opdId][3:29])
        for method in pairing_results.keys():
            # plot pairing  raw zks for danish and tie
            zkRaw = pairing_results[method][state][raft]
            avg_zk = np.mean(zkRaw, axis=0)
            rms_diff_avg =  np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(avg_zk-opd_zk)))
            ax[i].plot(np.arange(4,29), avg_zk-opd_zk, marker='d', label=f'{method} $\Delta$rms={rms_diff_avg:.3f} microns')
        ax[i].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ (fit-OPD) [microns]')
        ax[i].set_xlabel('Zk mode')
        ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
    fig.suptitle(f'WE7-007 lsstCam, state {state}, \n : TIE vs Danish')

Plot comparison between TIE and Danish, showing the difference from the OPD for a single state:

plot_lsstcam_fit_vs_opd(5, opd_raft_to_id, all_opd, pairing_results)

For each state we have one RMS difference between fitted value and the OPD. We can calculate it for all states:

rafts = ['R04', 'R44', 'R00','R40']
# add pairing results 
for algo in pairing_results.keys():
   rmss[algo] = {}
   for raft in rafts:
       rmss[algo][raft] = []
       opdId = opd_raft_to_id[raft] 
       #print(algo, raft, )
       for state in pairing_results[algo].keys():
            opd_zk = 0.001*np.array(all_opd[state][opdId][3:29])
            avg_zk = np.mean(pairing_results[algo][state][raft], axis=0)
            rms_diff =  np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(avg_zk-opd_zk)))
            if rms_diff > 10:
                print(algo, raft, state, rms_diff)
tie R04 45 1289.5422211020345
tie R44 45 113.45955258359294
tie R00 45 251.4142584734439
tie R40 45 101.10504202327914

Plot a summary RMS difference per state for all states: this highlights if there is any particular optical state that either algorithm performed more poorly:

fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)

for method in rmss.keys():
    for raft in rafts:
        ax[i].plot(pairing_results[algo].keys(), rmss[method][raft], marker='s', label=f'{method}')
    fig.text(0.5,0.06,'state #', fontsize=17)
    fig.text(0.06,0.5,r'RMS ($\Delta$(zk-opd) ) [microns] ', rotation=90, fontsize=17)
fig.suptitle('CWFS methods', fontsize=16)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f84fc1356d0>

This shows that there is a state (possibly a few) that’s worse than others. Plot everything apart from that state:

fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)

for method in rmss.keys():
    for raft in rafts:
        mask = np.array(rmss[method][raft]) < 10
        states_select = np.array(list(pairing_results[method].keys()))[mask]
        rmss_select = np.array(rmss[method][raft])[mask]
        ax[i].plot(states_select, rmss_select, marker='s', label=f'{method}')
    fig.text(0.5,0.06,'state #', fontsize=17)
    fig.text(0.06,0.5,r'RMS ($\Delta$(zk-opd) ) [microns] ', rotation=90, fontsize=17)
fig.suptitle('CWFS methods', fontsize=16)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9d682b6590>

Focus on the errant state:

plot_lsstcam_fit_vs_opd(45, opd_raft_to_id, all_opd, pairing_results)

We see that while Danish has a result close to OPD, TIE is definitely suffering from a bad fit. Show the stamps used:

dataRefs = registry.queryDatasets('donutStampsExtra', collections=[ 'WET-001_lsstCam_direct_TIE1'],
     where=f"instrument='LSSTCam' and detector.purpose='WAVEFRONT' and visit.seq_num = 2045").expanded()
refs = list(dataRefs)
zkRaw = butler.get('zernikeEstimateRaw', dataId= refs[0].dataId, collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_direct_TIE1'])
zkRaw1 = butler.get('zernikeEstimateRaw', dataId= refs[0].dataId, collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_direct_Danish1'])

So these are gigantic values (in microns) ! Show the postISRCCD

dataId = {'instrument':refs[0],
exposure = butler.get('postISRCCD', dataId = dataId, collections=['WET-001_lsstCam_ISR'])

zscale = ZScaleInterval()
d = exposure.image.array
vmin,vmax = zscale.get_limits(d)
plt.imshow(d, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, origin='lower')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9d6bea9010>

Show OPD and Zernike fits for that exposure:

raft = refs[0].dataId.detector.raft
state = 45 
fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set_title(raft )
opdId = opd_raft_to_id[raft] 
opd_zk = 0.001*np.array(all_opd[state][opdId][3:29])

ax.plot(np.arange(4,29), opd_zk, marker='d', label=f'OPD ')

# plot raw TIE
for i in range(len(zkRaw)):
   ax.plot(np.arange(4,29),zkRaw[i], alpha=0.4, label=f'tie raw')
for method in pairing_results.keys():
    # plot pairing  raw zks for danish and tie
    zkAvg = pairing_results[method][state][raft]
    ax.plot(np.arange(4,29),zkAvg[0], marker='d', label=f'{method} ')

ax.set_ylabel(r'Fit value [microns]')
ax.set_xlabel('Zk mode')
#ax.axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9d684bd790>
raft = refs[0].dataId.detector.raft
state = 45 
fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set_title(raft )
opdId = opd_raft_to_id[raft] 
opd_zk = 0.001*np.array(all_opd[state][opdId][3:29])

ax.plot(np.arange(4,29), opd_zk, marker='d', label=f'OPD ')

# plot raw TIE
for i in range(len(zkRaw)):
   ax.plot(np.arange(4,29),zkRaw[i], alpha=0.2, label=f'tie raw')

# plot raw Danish 
for i in range(len(zkRaw1)):
   ax.plot(np.arange(4,29),zkRaw1[i], alpha=0.4,  ls='--',  label=f'danish raw')

ax.set_ylabel(r'Fit value [microns]')
ax.set_xlabel('Zk mode')
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.0,0.9], ncols=2)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9d6841f090>

So for TIE all donut estimates for that state are exceptionally bad.

Marginalize across all detectors:

mean_per_state = {}
for method in rmss.keys():
    all_raft_data = []
    for raft in rafts:
        all_raft_data.append( rmss[method][raft])
    mean_per_state[method] = np.mean(all_raft_data,axis=0)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,4))
cmap = cmaps['tab10']
for method in mean_per_state.keys():
    mask = np.array(rmss[method][raft]) < 0.5
    states_select = np.array(list(pairing_results[method].keys()))[mask]
    mean_select = mean_per_state[method][mask]
    #rmss_select = np.array(rmss[method][raft])[mask]

    ax.plot(states_select,mean_select, marker='o', label=f'{method}',
    #ax.plot(np.arange(1,100), mean_per_state[method], marker='o', label=f'{method}',
     #      c=cmap(j))
ax.set_xlabel('state #')
ax.set_ylabel(r'mean RMS ($\Delta$(zk-opd) across rafts) '+r'[$\mu$m]',)
ax.set_title('TIE vs Danish 100 states summary', fontsize=16)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9d6cc2bdd0>

This shows that for majority of simulated states, Danish performs better than TIE. Given that, it should be the default method we use.